Things aren’t going well for our pair, though only one of them seems to be concerned about it. At least, she doesn’t seem to care she’s doing something wrong until she knows she’s about to get caught.
This page signal’s the first where I switched over to using Manga Studio to do my drawing. It seems like quite a while ago to me. It’s funny how much lag time there is between then and what I am working on now.
I’m going to keep this one short. Still working on the artwork for my RPG Maker game. More on that coming soon.
Excitement isn’t always going to be part of your day. Sometimes the normal day to day can really start to make time blend together until it all starts to just fly by. Other days your engine basically explodes and you aren’t completely certain it isn’t your fault.
Eric and Jean are the first of the larger group that we will be getting to know soon. A lot of these characters are inspired by characters my friends have played in role playing games (yes, I’m that guy) or some of my favorite anime series. I’m a big believer in the idea that there isn’t much new under the sun, but that’s a good thing. It’s a lot of fun to put your own twist on an already existing idea.
Updates so late on Wednesday that is might as well be Thursday.