Tomb Raider

This week’s offering isn’t a commission for anyone, but something for myself. I know I kinda missed the big fan push, but I just finally got to play the second of the new Tomb Raider games, Rise of the Tomb Raider. I just finally finished it last night. I really enjoyed the game play, especially the new tomb puzzles. Story-wise I don’t think it was as strong as the first. I really wanted them to roll her back a bit more in terms of being a badass. I would have preferred some sort of scenario where Lara kinda repressed her memories of the first adventure or something. “It couldn’t have been real. I must have been hallucinating or something” scenario. Then when things go crazy again she has more of a distance to come back. She was kinda a little too “ready to go” when it came time to kill some guys.

Drawing I did is Lara in her Siberian Hunter? outfit, my personal favorite. Maybe it’s not the most revealing, but I still got to have some fun with it.

Next up I’m gonna do some more for my own IP. (As well as those commissions. keep them coming, folks!


I imagine my art style consisting of a bunch of sliders on some big, hidden control board in my brain. Like a sound control board in one of those big, fancy recording studios, each slider controls one part of the balance of the finished piece of music. Only difference the control in my head aren’t for balancing instruments and how they all mix together, they are for balancing artistic  levels instead. Or, to put it even simpler; they are for balancing the sizing and proportions, line thickness and color choice.

My past few weeks of really practicing has really improved my artistic control. I feel like my artistic control board got a bunch more sliders. It’s been fun learning how to control all of these new variables. I guess it would be like playing a computer game, and on the character creation screen you have all of these sliders… Chin thickness, eye angle. The all important booby slider.

It’s all building toward something. I can promise you that. In the mean time it’s all going to continue be good ol commission fun!