So Much Good Television!!!

I’ll try to talk about the above with as few a spoilers as possible.

Marty starts to get as fed up with how long things are taking to get started as I am, and is more than ready to do what it takes to get us moving. The willingness to ignore authority is always a great attribute to have for a hero! It won’t be long until we start to see what the price of that impetuousness truly turns out to contain.

Man, it’s going to be really hard to talk about TV without beating the crap outta some spoilers. Or just revealing them.

I feel like if you aren’t watching Gotham you aren’t living your life correctly. If you’ve been watching and you aren’t amazed by what’s going on, then you weren’t human to begin with, so don’t worry.

What they have done with the Jerome character has been fantastic. It’s a performance I think we’ll be talking about for a long time to come.

As I sit here I have the Flash season premier staring me in the face on Hulu. I have, without reading spoilers, been able to glean that I am in for a treat.

Okay, Time to give you what your waiting for so I can get to what’s waiting for me.