It’s All Finally Coming Together

Well, I’ve been working on page number 9, doing the coloring. Man, that is rough. Coloring a full comic book page takes a lot more work than I ever imagined it would. I have a lot of respect for anyone who does that for a living.

On the side here I’ve recommitted to getting myself a post up every week. I guess that Mondays aren’t going to be a good answer to that, but today is good enough for now, and certainly better then never.

As for the page itself, I’ll be doing that ongoing as I get the pages for the comic actually out the door. It won’t be nearly as clean as having a perfect website, but again; it’s time to get over the holdups. I’ll be inserting interactivity and upgrades as I finish them.  It’ll mean a lot of website updates at first, but I bet you guys are open to that.

Man, I guess the rest is just to get to the thing. No more wasting time here. Back to work.