San Diego, and It’s Con of Comics

My goodness, what a week. Gotta love that SDCC!

I am lucky enough that my wife has a job “in the industry,” though it is only loosely related. It was related enough to get her down and into the Con for free this year. Boy, was it a cool experience seeing all the sites and exploring the showroom floor. Lots of cool stuff. I’m not going to tell you all about it, because there are a million and one better sites that already told you about everything, and did a better job of it than I ever could.

I do have a personal thought or two to share, though. My perspective, as it is. First, the show is great for getting a person like myself back energized, ready to work. It’s all very inspiring to see it all and take it in. The whole “yeah! I wanna be here, too!” feeling is in full effect. We’ll see for next year, right?

Second; SDCC itself has sure gotten weird since I went a few years ago. (Okay, more than a few) I was a little disappointed over how much of the floor was devoted to, well, not comics. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the different parts of the culture as a whole. But all the movies, video games, toys, etc. sure took up a lot of space that used to be utilized by publishers and artists. Artist alley sure was small, amiright?

Not going to harp on it, but yeah. Oh, also; going to the con sure set me back some time. I’m about a week behind! Good thing I’m up working on page 12. Still, going to be playing catch up these next couple of weeks!