All posts by Joe Lupo

Military Life

Excitement isn’t always going to be part of your day. Sometimes the normal day to day can really start to make time blend together until it all starts to just fly by. Other days your engine basically explodes and you aren’t completely certain it isn’t your fault.

Eric and Jean are the first of the larger group that we will be getting to know soon. A lot of these characters are inspired by characters my friends have played in role playing games (yes, I’m that guy) or some of my favorite anime series. I’m a big believer in the idea that there isn’t much new under the sun, but that’s a good thing.  It’s a lot of fun to put your own twist on an already existing idea.

Jumping From Place to Place

We move to another new spot, and get a little intro to more new characters. The military is going to play a big part of the story as time goes on. I’ve been looking forward to the larger introduction. I also see this as an ensemble story, so getting all of our main characters, which these two are, is an important step in the story. I’ll go into a little bit more about these two once we spend more time with them. For now they get to speak for themselves.

Outside of that; well, I promised I wouldn’t write about Star Wars. I managed to get tickets opening night. I’m happy. There. Done.

RPG Maker MV is the other big thing on my horizon. I’ve been mildly interested in the RPG Maker series for a while, now. I could never justify it before now, but I finally have the perfect excuse; children.

I have a pair of sons, twins, that are right at that age where they are starting to explore what they want to do with their lives.  When they came to me asking about learning to make video games, I knew this would be a good place to start. The program is pretty easy to use, and the process of learning a ‘thing’ and then teaching it to my guys has been a lot of fun. Expect some fun updates and stories during the next few weeks. Maybe I’ll even find a way to be able to host the games we make themselves here.