All posts by Joe Lupo

And We have Our First Update

Eventually we’ll run out of firsts, but in the meantime I’m going to go ahead and keep celebrating. It’s so very nice to be able to say that I am finally doing this all for real.

So, what you might have noticed is that their isn’t so much a new page as much as there is more of the first page. That’s how I plan on doing things. I’ll post the first half of a comic book sized page one week, then the other half the next week. I figure it’s a good way to be able to post new content every week, but make my content last long enough so that I can stay ahead of the demand. I’m still a little slow in my production, but I believe I can draw a good, full comic book sized page in two weeks worth of time. If I ever get faster and can make the content better, and more often, believe me, I will.

So we have the actual start of something here. Scientists on a secure island are beginning their experiment, where they are doing… something, but what? Heh. I guess we just have to wait until next week to find out!

The Day is Finally Here!!

Don’t judge!

I say that because this was supposed to happen months ago. I let things like video games, new cars and life get in the way.

Let’s face it; mostly video games.

Anyway, I’m just super stoked to get going. There are some things that I want to share, though.

This is meant to be pretty experimental and definitely a learning experience for me. We’re talking about every aspect of the project, too. From my art style and character design, through the art program I’m using  on my drawing tablet. Even including the web site and making things in WordPress. I’m doing the entire project myself with a whole lot of “first time” slathered on top. Have some patience with me as I learn as I go.

That will mean that the web site, which is right now a total mess,  will change and get better. Art style may change some in the story as I go. Characters might start to look different. I know that happens a lot in web comics, but, because of the full page format Convergence is going to have I could understand some different expectations. I hope you’re willing to take the ride with me, but I can understand if you’re looking for something more polished. Check back over time. Maybe I’ve grown in a direction you like.

For those willing, or excited, to stick around; let’s get started!