All posts by Joe Lupo

Post Convergence Work

Here is an example of how things are looking these days. It’s been really interesting having two sort of different art styles being shown at the same time. One was the older work from the comic, that was, in a lot of cases, more as much as six months old. Then I was also showing more recent work on the side as well. This was much more recent, and has a wildly different look. Just showing what I’ve been working on recently from here on in is a good decision, I think. I’m hoping it will make my style seem a lot more cohesive.

This is another piece for my commissioned work. Obviously, since it’s my most recent, I’m pretty happy with it. The biggest change, in terms of the growth here, is that I feel like I really managed to master moving the figure into an interesting and dynamic position. I’ve really struggled with this in the past. It’s been nice to have a “break through: like this. It’ll mean lots more interesting stuff in future work as well.

Moving Forward

I’m not completely sure this is a total “The End” for Convergence. I will say that I am setting it a little aside for now. I’ll probably still put out a page here and there, but there are definitely things I’m not happy about with the comic, and I feel like hitting the big “reset” button in the sky is the right decision for now.

In a word it’s about feeling; ambiance. I definitely had a certain look, or tone, that I wanted to achieve for this comic, and it just plain wasn’t there. Did you know that the story was supposed to take place in an alternate dimension sorta 1940’s but more steampunk universe? Yeah…

I’m not trying to be hard on myself. I am only as good of an artist as I am right now. The thing is; I am working on getting better. (And it’s working. πŸ˜€ ) So I need to take some time and develop something with my new skill set.

I’m not abandoning this site either. I’m going to continue to post here with new artwork and commissions and everything else, every week. So, keep stopping by. Please. And I’ll certainly keep putting up all of my work here for all to see.