All posts by Joe Lupo

Art Style Boot Camp

If you don’t follow me on my Twitter account, you probably don’t know about my past weekend. I spent the whole weekend (wife was outta town) camped on the couch working over my own drawing style. I wanted to get it updated and then solidified. I “live tweeted” the event and had a really great time.

It was super fun, and , I gotta say, really productive. I learned a ton about how I draw, and a ton from artists around me about how I can improve. I think I did, too!

I didn’t get everything done that I planned to do, though. It led me to declare I need to do it again this weekend as well. So, if you’re interested, make sure to give me a follow. I’ll be documenting what it takes for me to get even better. Maybe I can help you out, too. I don’t think of myself as much of a teacher, but maybe some ideas through example?

In other news, I’ve been working up a logo for a Destiny player I happen to know, DrLupo. He’s got a pretty good following on twitch these days running a service sherpa’ing players through the Trials of Osiris. If what I just said meant nothing to you, don’t worry about it. If it did mean something, you should go check him out. I hear he has a mean highlight reel, too.

Trains plain

Trial by Fire Incoming

The best teachers are the ones who know how to make you learn whether you want to or not. They are the ones who hit you where it hurts, where it counts. They make your soul stronger; forging you in fire.

Other teachers might just be jerks.

It’s up to you to decide which is which. I wonder which Marty has…

I’m not going to talk much about myself this time. I’m getting set up for my own trial by fire in my personal life, and I don’t want to do any smack talking before the event, in case I get smacked down. That and I have a bad habit of accidentally pissing people off when I speak on the internet. Better to keep my mouth shut this time.

When you get far enough along, you might get lucky and realize that the best teacher you have is looking you right in the mirror, if you’s just listen to what they were trying to tell you.

Or maybe that’s just another jerk.