Category Archives: Post Day Blog

The End of the Beginning

We get to see the dramatic and uninformative conclusion of the first chapter! Not exactly telling you everything that’s going on, either, right? I’m playing this pretty close to the chest. What can I say?

Next time we get to dig into the actual story. What we have seen here is most definitely a prologue, so I make no apologies.

In real life I have my first Patreon supporter! I’m very thankful and excited. I’ve decided that the first thing I need to do is get myself some business cards. I met the extremely talented Jim Mahfood at the comic shop today. I certainly got one of his cards, but had nothing to give him in exchange, even though I told him about the comic! I need a leave behind, so as soon as I can afford it, a purchase from is is order. Help me out! I need to get myself out there better!

In other news I’m moving to a new apartment. I love my new location, but all of the packing and lifting and unpacking, instead of drawing, is killing me. I can’t wait to get settled and back to work.

Transitions and changes

New top half of a page is here!

We start to see what the final outcome of the horrible accident and mistake that takes place on the island. Just what will it mean for the families of the researchers that live on the shore nearby? The final moments come soon!

Way up ahead where I am, I have begun to witness a rebirth of myself as an artist. It’s funny. It’s like looking into the past; looking at the page I put up today. Man! I can’t wait to have you all catch up with me! Of course, by the time you do that, who knows what I might be drawing? I really like this!

Thanks to everyone who lied me on my facebook page last week! Please, keep spreading the word! It’s so much fun to see it just start to grow beyond my normal friend zone; into people who know people I know, and out of my friend area. Keep spreading the word!

Also; keep thinking about the Patreon thing. I’m considering what content I might special incentives I might extend to those who are willing to support me. I’m going to come up with something!

I’ll see you all next week!