Category Archives: Post Day Blog

Additions to the Website

I finally get to bring back Moruga in this week’s page. I have missed the little guy. He is such a copy of one of my cats (those who have met him know who) and it’s fun too see him.

For the longest time the site here has really only been one page; the webcomic itself. Though it accomplished what I wanted, that isn’t very exciting, as far as a website goes. Moving forward I’m going to be adding a lot more to the site. If you look above you’ll already see that I’ve added a section where you can look at my commission guidelines and prices. I’m also going to be adding a gallery section where you can take a look at other pieces I’ve completed. (That’s so you get excited and decide to give me money for my work.) In addition I plan on moving over my old webcomic, Anthasa, so you can see what my artwork used to look like.

I’ll still have everything up in the usual places; Deviant Art, Twitter, Facebook, Patreon, etc. So feel free to look me up and follow me and all of that. I just wanted to make sure I have a centralized “everything” as well.

Reveals and Forward Momentum

I love giant robots and power armor. One of my earliest memories is of getting up super early to watch Robotech at somewhere around 6 am every morning on, I think, TBS? I’m not sure. Whatever the channel it set me down the path on anime and robots and heroes that would do anything it took, no matter how stupid and the whole thing. I’ve been pretty excited to reveal what was under those tarps. Glad I finally got to get to it.

It has been a really big month for me when it comes to my art projects and my plans for them. My recent blog post concerning my commission rates has been very useful. I have already gotten requests for work, and I hope for more as time goes on. Of course, my dream is to someday be able to produce art for money as my full time job. This feels like a great first step.

Upcoming there are going to be a lot of changes to the site here. Maybe in the course of the next two weeks? We’ll see. Anyway, I want to add a lot more of my art to the site. Make this more of a site that can also be my portfolio as well as for my comics. Nothing is going away. Just look forward to a lot more of my world being available for viewing here.