My Morning Commute Isn’t as Much Fun.

We get our final look at the city before we get to start introducing some big ideas, as well as some dialog, finally.

I usually try to have some sort of a big topic to chat about on the daily, but I admit this week I’m feeling kinda dry. LOTS of great comics out today. I find that I’m not talking about them as much as I should. Being a creator myself, it’s a good idea to talk about other in the hope that they’ll talk about you.

I’d say the big ones this week would be Lumberjanes. There a reason it won all of the awards. I’ll probably talk about Tyson Hesse’s Diesel at one point or another as well.

I’m not sure about Rat Queens. The whole artist switchout thing never really works for me, and their current one just looks a little too different. (He says as his own art style changes almost from panel to panel)

Speaking of, did you guys see the top of the Facebook page? Finally got that in there.