Still Playing Catch Up

It’s been a pretty interesting week around here since getting back. The apartment hunt has really heated up, and even borne fruit. I’ll be moving to a much nicer part of town, so I’m really excited. I am a little worried it’s gong to amplify my constant state of needing to catch up, though.

I really caused the whole problem myself, though. I managed to finish up page twelve; only about a week late. I realize now that much of my problem was due to the fact that I jammed twelve panels onto the page. 12! Even as I look at the comics sitting next to me on my desk, they have anywhere from 5 to 8 panels. I managed to jam two pages onto one, basically.

It’s mostly because I think I must have a little bit of guilt about only doing half a page per week.  As a result I’m trying to jam a full page into each half page… kinda dumb. By the end I had so many layers in my digital file my tablet almost ran out of enough memory to hold it all. I barely finished. I made a vow to myself that I won;t do a page higher then 10 panels, and keep it more like 8, from now on.

San Diego, and It’s Con of Comics

My goodness, what a week. Gotta love that SDCC!

I am lucky enough that my wife has a job “in the industry,” though it is only loosely related. It was related enough to get her down and into the Con for free this year. Boy, was it a cool experience seeing all the sites and exploring the showroom floor. Lots of cool stuff. I’m not going to tell you all about it, because there are a million and one better sites that already told you about everything, and did a better job of it than I ever could.

I do have a personal thought or two to share, though. My perspective, as it is. First, the show is great for getting a person like myself back energized, ready to work. It’s all very inspiring to see it all and take it in. The whole “yeah! I wanna be here, too!” feeling is in full effect. We’ll see for next year, right?

Second; SDCC itself has sure gotten weird since I went a few years ago. (Okay, more than a few) I was a little disappointed over how much of the floor was devoted to, well, not comics. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the different parts of the culture as a whole. But all the movies, video games, toys, etc. sure took up a lot of space that used to be utilized by publishers and artists. Artist alley sure was small, amiright?

Not going to harp on it, but yeah. Oh, also; going to the con sure set me back some time. I’m about a week behind! Good thing I’m up working on page 12. Still, going to be playing catch up these next couple of weeks!

Updates so late on Wednesday that is might as well be Thursday.