Means that I have officially been able to be at things and on time for an entire month. The truth is; that’s just another baby step. But it’s still progress.
We get a real, full look at the small town near the lake, and zoom in on the normal evening of one small family. Nothing special there, right? We never pay attention to random people for reasons that will become compelling and important later in these sorts of stories. That would be “cliche” and “compelling.”
Meanwhile, I’ve been working away way up on page 12. It’s really interesting to look back on my artwork, even if it is from just a few months ago. I am truly getting better. It’s not fast enough for my liking. It’s never going to be, though. Such is the way of the world…
Okay, I think we can be done with the firsts. Now that we are starting to get ourselves into a schedule, I’m feeling pretty darned good.
We moved to a new location. Away from the scientists and their super lab on the island, and into the town nearby. Here life seems pretty normal; but how long is that going to last?
Work on the site continues. I realized that saying that is a little funny, because I might be the only one who realizes that there are changes going on. You guys only see the newest, best version of the site. You only see the good version that you are looking at right now. I guess if you are visiting it regularly you might notice some improvements and changes. The other possibility is that you are looking at a perfectly good, working website. I’m good with that.
Updates so late on Wednesday that is might as well be Thursday.