The Big Money Grab is Actually Really Small

We start to see the extent of just how bad things are going to get after the experiment gets pushed out of balance. The irony of measuring repercussion and the phrase “far reaching.” Just how far will things go?

For me personally, things are going to go pretty far. This marks the fourth full page, and putting up a new section doesn’t seem all that exciting anymore. Maybe that’s a feeling to enjoy just by itself.

As I keep moving, I have to say it’s time to try and turn it into something sustainable for myself. I’m not very good at asking for things for myself, but if you are liking what you are seeing, and would like to consider supporting my work and turning it into what I do for a living, let me tell you how; become my Patreon.

If you have never heard of Patreon here is how it works; Instead of a big “one time” push for money like Kickstarter or Indiegogo where there is some giant goal, Patreon is set up for smaller, ongoing monthly  donations. You can become my supporter and offer as little as $1 per month. It is automatically deducted from your account, but ONLY if I actually post an update the page. It’s completely risk free. If I abandon the work, or even just take a break for a month, your donation will be skipped. Certainly it can be cancelled any time.

So please, think about it. I want to do this full time. A little bit at a time, you can help me do that. Here’s the link;

Convergence Patreon

It’s the big orange button on the right!

I’ll see you guys next week! =D