The End of the Beginning

We get to see the dramatic and uninformative conclusion of the first chapter! Not exactly telling you everything that’s going on, either, right? I’m playing this pretty close to the chest. What can I say?

Next time we get to dig into the actual story. What we have seen here is most definitely a prologue, so I make no apologies.

In real life I have my first Patreon supporter! I’m very thankful and excited. I’ve decided that the first thing I need to do is get myself some business cards. I met the extremely talented Jim Mahfood at the comic shop today. I certainly got one of his cards, but had nothing to give him in exchange, even though I told him about the comic! I need a leave behind, so as soon as I can afford it, a purchase from is is order. Help me out! I need to get myself out there better!

In other news I’m moving to a new apartment. I love my new location, but all of the packing and lifting and unpacking, instead of drawing, is killing me. I can’t wait to get settled and back to work.