This week’s offering isn’t a commission for anyone, but something for myself. I know I kinda missed the big fan push, but I just finally got to play the second of the new Tomb Raider games, Rise of the Tomb Raider. I just finally finished it last night. I really enjoyed the game play, especially the new tomb puzzles. Story-wise I don’t think it was as strong as the first. I really wanted them to roll her back a bit more in terms of being a badass. I would have preferred some sort of scenario where Lara kinda repressed her memories of the first adventure or something. “It couldn’t have been real. I must have been hallucinating or something” scenario. Then when things go crazy again she has more of a distance to come back. She was kinda a little too “ready to go” when it came time to kill some guys.
Drawing I did is Lara in her Siberian Hunter? outfit, my personal favorite. Maybe it’s not the most revealing, but I still got to have some fun with it.
Next up I’m gonna do some more for my own IP. (As well as those commissions. keep them coming, folks!